The name of the first Russian scientist agronomist, encyclopaedist of XVIII-XIX centuries Andrey Timofeevich Bolotov (1738 – 1833) has become widely known for the last decades both in Russia and outside its boundaries and has been on the same level as the names of outstanding figures of world science and culture. The „Dvoryaninovo“ museum established on the place of the family estate of the scientist, today plays the key role in studying and promoting of the scientific herritage left by A.T. Bolotov.
On the tope of a high hill, near cheerfully splattering river Skniga, on the ancient foundations the estate wooden house was restored according to descriptions. From the house windows one can see spacious and beautiful view of the surroundings and the ancient oak struck with ligtning when Bolotov was alive and which fell on the young elm and interlaced with it. According to the legend you can accept longevity and happines if walk under the arch formed with the leaned oak.
At the beginning of 1800 the Bolotovy were almost bankrupted. They were deprived of Shatskie areas which gave the major part of income. A local landlord managed the Senate to take the decision which deprived Andrey Timofeevich of Shatskie areas forever. In 1803 Bolotov had to visit St. Peterburg with this case. There he got acquainted with members of Free Economic Society (with who he cooperated a lot). The Society friendly met Bolotov and awarded him with a golden medal. Emperor Alexander I was informed about Bolotov. Alexander I presented Andrey Timofeevich a diamond ring and gave him the area of almost the same size as he lost and on the same territory. Thus the emperor showed that he confessed achivements of Andrey Timofeevich.
In Dvoryaninovo Andrey Timofeevich brought his estate where he had been absent for 22 years in order. He enlarged the old house extremely and renovated the park. He paid a lot of attention to orchards improving their fertility. The incomes from the orchards reached 3.5 thousand a year. In Dvoryaninovo Bolotov finished his fundamental work – „Apple books“. These books (8 books and three volumes of watercolour pictures) reflect huge work Bolotov did having described and painted 661 sort of apples and pears. A great amount of experiments preceded the books creation. The row of sorts were bred by Andrey Timofeevich himself. In Dvoryaninovo the most part of autobiographical recollections „The life and Adventures of Andrey Bolotov“ was created. In 1820 Bolotov was chosen a honoured member of Moscow Society of Agriculture.
Languages: Russian, English. Excursions in other foreign languages are possible by request.
Organization of tea party with Tula gingerbread (Tula pryanik) is also possible.
Tea is prepared by Bolotov's recipe.